In October, Butumba Primary School hosted a significant training session focused on Menstrual Hygiene Management and Sexual Reproductive Health. A total of 78 students, including 70 girls and 8 boys, along with two senior teachers, participated in this impactful two-day program held at Butumba Primary School. The teachers, trained as part of a Training of Trainers initiative, received certificates upon completion.

Students and teachers were taught the valuable skill of making reusable sanitary pads, with seventy girls receiving high-quality menstrual hygiene management kits from Scandid World Initiative. This initiative aims to empower girls by providing the necessary resources and knowledge to manage menstrual hygiene effectively. As a result, it is expected that more girls will attend classes regularly, reducing absenteeism during menstruation periods. This training marks a positive step towards improving health education and gender equality in the school community.